Monday, February 7, 2011


Can she really be 2? As we walked out of our house this morning on our way to church, I thought of how much today was just like the day Eden was born. Chilly, but beautiful. Blue skies to match her eyes--our first blue-eyed baby. Snow dusted mountains....perfect--just like she was. She was another "alien baby", as Joy refers to our kids when they're newborns--happy, content to sit and watch everything around them, good sleepers, etc. Now she is as fiesty as they come :). Still happy, still enjoying the world around her--especially every move her sisters make, not as great of a sleeper, but such a JOY. She literally lights up the world.


This is her "I'm a princess" look...


"I'm 2!" (still trying to figure out how to hold up just the 2 fingers)...


Telling Ryn and Elle they need to be looking at Dad and smiling, "Guys! Guys!..."



All 3 doing "the Smolder" from Tangled...Elle's is pretty close!


Doing Pascal's punch, also from Tangled....


Giving kisses to baby Darren....


And kisses to cousin Teairsa--just 2 weeks apart so we had a fun joint bday dinner at Mark and Aup's to celebrate...


...complete with 2 bday cakes' candles to blow out...


And she was so lucky that she had 3, yes THREE sets of candles to blow out. These with Teairsa, then some more on her actual day.

Sweet, spunky, spirited did life have any spark before you came to us? We love you more every day.

1 comment:

Mark and Aupreille said...

A few more months and they will both be 3 :( It was weird seeing those pictures of them at 2, they both have changed so much over the year.

I miss seeing the two of them play together so much. I am glad I was able to get some hugs from Eden on Saturday and it was so fun to see Teairsa and Elle in the hot tub swimming away :)