Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some pre-delivery thoughts....

I've been thinking these last few days about many things. Yes, it's kind of the pregnancy scatter brain that keeps jumping from one thing to another, but it's also my soul getting prepared to greet this new life I'm helping to create.

On Sunday I was thinking how the end of a pregnancy is a little like waiting for the second coming of the Savior--no man knoweth the hour or the day :). But, for both, there are lots of signs that let you know that it is coming sooner than later and they push you to get as ready as possible. There is much to prepare--physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and the more you prepare, the more confident you feel. You know, however, that even doing all in your power you will never be perfectly ready. There will still be qualities you haven't perfected and so many things to learn and so you surround yourself with people who can help you and you trust in the Lord's infinite mercy. And then when the big event actually happens, it brings you more joy than you could have ever imagined.

The other theme that keeps coming back to me is the need for patience and gratitude in every stage of my life (and this pregnancy). A week ago, I couldn't wait for Eden to come. The thought of her waiting til her due date of the 12th was unthinkable. I felt so huge and uncomfortable--with the most banal activities like trying to pick up something on the ground, sitting on the folding chairs at church, standing up, sleeping, etc. becoming almost impossible. All I could think was, "I can't wait for her to come!" Even though I still am excited to meet her and will definitely NOT miss the discomforts of the 9th month of pregnancy, I started realizing this week that the amount of sleep I will be getting once she gets here will be even less, I will no longer be able to just sit and enjoy a Sunday School or Relief Society lesson with no distractions :), and taking care of 3 is going to be a whole new adventure. So right now, I'm grateful for each day I have before her arrival and patiently enjoying the blessings of that day. When she comes, I will be grateful for all the new and wonderful blessings that she will bring.

And that will truly be any day now. The doctor told me this morning that he will be very surprised if she waits through this weekend!


Erika said...

I can't wait to see pictures of your little one! And I love your analogy....very true! Thanks for the note :)

Anonymous said...

oh good! how bout Thursday? xoxo, m

Natalie said...

We're praying that everything goes well, and soon!
