Monday, October 1, 2007

MIA-Long update

Well here I am. Back after a few days of stress, big decisions and the normal go-go-go :) Before we came back to France( during the summer) our Branch President called us and extended the calling of Relief Society President to Kit. She of course accepted and then went on to tell me how unprepared she felt for this calling . All she really knew was the Young Womens program as she has served as President everywhere we have lived for the past 7 years. I know she will do great------- Upon returning we found out that the former RS president was having surgery to remove some cancerous tumors. Unfortunately she passed away before the surgery even took place. This came as a big shock ( Claudette was 69). The family asked us to sing her favorite hymn "Au Jardin" . But the sweetest most tender moment of the whole event came when we arrived at the funeral home and Ryn seeing Ben (Claudette's son) squirmed from my grasp, dropped her favorite purse and went running to him with open arms. He of course scooped her up and she gave him a "squeeze" and a kiss on the cheek. He said," Wow what a welcome, just what I needed".Our hearts melted!
I then gave Pierre, the husband, a hug and told him how sorry we were. He is the most adorable man ever, he actually was the branch president in Niort where I served for 4 months as a missionary, 11 years ago! ----Am I that old:( Ryn again without any prodding leaned over to him and kissed him on the cheek and then put her arms around him and started patting him on the shoulder with her tiny little hands. He starting crying and thanked me for bringing my "little angel".Kit and I were amazed at Ryn's ability to comfort those in need. She has always been good at it, but in the past it was people she was really familiar with. Ben and his father were still somewhat strangers to her. She has seen them at church before but only really in passing .
I am so thankful to Heavenly Father for sending us these sweet angels that are so very close to Him. Children are so incredible- loving others, even strangers comes so naturally to them. They truly are the pure in heart and are sent to us to help us be better and understand the love that our Father in Heaven has for us. I now better comprehend the love he has for me and all of His children now that I am a father and have that power to love that my parents always tried to explain to us as children. ---"You will never know how much we love each of you, until you have children of your own". And you know what........they were right!!! Thanks for the love Mom and Dad.
Again along the same theme of children understanding what real love is... this morning Kit and I were snuggling on the couch while Ryn was playing with her toys. When she turned and saw us though, she came running over to us and scurried up into our laps and started hugging us both. She pushed our faces together for a family kiss . I guess the quote that says--"The best thing a father can do for his kids is show them how much he loves their mother"-- is right on!
We prayed a lot and are greatful for all of the great advice and prayers of so many to help us in our decision, to stay here or go home. We feel that we do need to be here to help in any way we can. From basketball to serving in our callings to allowing Ryn this time to learn some more french. After all it's only for another 7 months, we might be done after this year and wanted to soak up as much as we could of sightseeing, chocolate,pastries, and just this time together.
A quick note on our last game we lost 76-106. Yep a real smackdown! Our team just was not ready to play. At the end of the 1st half it was 39-53 and I had 21 of the 39. I was so frustrated during the game because the guys they had guarding me just couldn't. They were too slow, too young or whatever but I had to keep begging for the ball. You would think that after lastyear (leading scorer,MVP of our division) they would want to use me .Forget the fact that they are paying me. But if they want results then they need to go with what is working.If it's me great, if it's someone else great too! I dont care I just want to win. I finished with 34pts. We are 1-1.

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