Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Heaven on earth....


is being with your family. I have loved, loved, loved being in Utah for the past 3 General Conferences and having Mom and Dad come up for an entire week each time. Even though they have lots of meetings--especially Dad--we are able to have so many great evenings, 2 family home evenings, fun and fully-packed days with Mom, and pure joy seeing the relationships being formed between them and the girls.


Serious swinging and Hungry, Hungry Hippo...


This spring snowstorm gave us the chance to make an Easter Snow Bunny! Eden was hilarious trying to walk around in those boots. Ryn and Elle worked very hard, lugging 'huge' loads of snow to contribute (huge=the size of their tiny fists), and Mama KK was determined that the snow bunny be taller than Ryn at the very least.

the Easter Snow Bunny

Once the bunny was complete, we headed over to "Michelle and Mary's" house to meet their four adorable chicks. Ryn was the only one who eventually worked up the courage to touch them--check out Eden's wary glance and Elle, who was only happy on Michelle's lap with a cupcake. Lucy, the cat, would have been more than happy to step in and say hello, but we kept a tight circle around the tiny birds while we visited and Mom clicked away with the camera :).


Blowing bubbles against the bluest of blue skies....



walking and playing in the park....


reading books....


decorating Easter cookies...



meeting and having dinner with 2 of Mom's cousins...(cousin Carol and her husband, Rob, on Tuesday and cousin Nancy and her beautiful daughter on Friday)


enjoying conference and Temple Square...


These are days to remember.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

So fun, glad you got that time. :)