Sunday, September 28, 2008

Part II of 100 things about me---the 48 left

53. My family has pour circulation so my feet are ALWAYS cold--(I wear 2 pairs of socks a lot)
54. I often find myself singing Disney Princess songs and Little Einsteins throughout the day and even during practice! (remember I do have little girls:)
55. My Dad is one of the most caring, selfless men I have ever met..always cooking, always spending time with the family and most of all puts up with me and Ryan's endless teasing.
56. I will always regret not learning how to play the piano.
57. My mom used to dress me and my brothers like the Bee Gees. Big curly fro's, tube socks and daisy duke shorts. To compensate for this I pack on the gel and Ryan cuts his hair everyday, and we both wear basketball shorts that look like skirts :)
58. I often say that my haircut looks like the ruff on a golf course and Ryan's looks like a putting green
59. NO ONE could ever endure my dreaming and planning like Kit, she completes me!
60. I am definitely a vanilla man and Kit is all chocolate.
61. One of the greatest gifts anyone has ever given me was a camera,not because of the price but because of the way it helped open my eyes even more to the beauty that God has blessed me with....thanks Michelle :)
62. I had the nickname Chia-pet in high school because of my hair.
63. I was never given a fair shot in college for hoops, so it made me feel great when I bumped into Coach Majerus at the outlets and he asked what I was doing and I told him I have been playing professional basketball in France for the past 6yrs (at the time) and he looked at me like --"why didn't I play you more then?" ha, justice.
64. I love Lego's and can still sit down and knock out a few hours building stuff.
65. I am a softy for baby clothes and here in France the baby clothes (especially for girls) are scrumptious....we love Petite Bateau, ZARA, H&M, Sergeant Major, Elle, Burberry etc etc..
66. I was All-State in both baseball and basketball, got scholarships for both and probably would be a millionaire today if I would have stuck with baseball ( 6'4" and a 96mph fastball is a good combo for the majors) but it was just too boring for me. I also was asked to skip the mission.
67. I can't take a nap in my bed, it has to be somewhere else...couch,floor, hammock,another bed in the house..weird I know.
68. People think that I am someone full of confidence and very outgoing and while it is true to a certain degree, I am actually quite shy and timid.
69.I dressed up as Elvis and sang "Blue suede shoes" in Jr. High, complete with the blue shoes and tight white polyester pants, and when I slid across the stage on my knees burned huge wholes in the knees.
70. My Dad played in a music band called "The Latter Day Sensations" :) They were really good though.
71. I LOVE shopping at Costco and Sams clubs.
72. I cherish every hug, kiss, snuggle,squeeze, and word said by my little angels--and dread the day when they no longer will be my "little" angels.
73. My two most favorite places in Europe so far are Keukenhoff in Holland and Salzburg, Austria. So magical and romantic.
74. I was blessed/cursed with a green thumb by my mom. I love to garden and landscape. Nothing more soothing and calming than mowing the lawn and the smell of the cut grass.
75. I Love summer rainstorms when the sun is peeking through the clouds and the rain is coming down.
76. I love having a clean, washed, vacuumed, detailed car.
77. I wish I would've kept in touch with my best friend from high school..Scott Geertsen
78. I am a tech rat.. love cell phones, laptops, Mp3 players and gadgets.
79. I like doing the laundry--- Do I get stranger and stranger with each new thing?
80. Christmas just isn't Christmas without snow. I love our family tradition of strolling through the lights at Temple Square and hot chocolate and donuts after.
81. I love playing sand volleyball and could play for hours
82. I like downing a plate of cheese fries at Training Table
83. The only cheesecake really I like is my Mom's. And I love cheesecake.
84. I am deathly afraid of snakes, spiders, and anything rodent. YUCK
85. My 2 favorite holidays--Thanksgiving & Christmas because of the food and even more the time with family and friends.
86.My favorite flavor of Ice Cream-- Butter Pecan
87. I love Kit in workout clothes :) ooolala
88. I have never been to Lake Powell or the Grand Canyon.... I know shame me
89. I am afraid of heights and not a big fan of water sports
90. I am a safety freak and it drives both me and Kit crazy :)
91. I love Utah for it's four seasons--And I can't pick a favorite. I love the leaves in fall, the magical beauty of everything in white, the miracle of rebirth in spring and the hot/dry heat of summer.
92. I was raised on beans and rice. And I would rather have vegetables and a good dip than chocolate any day. mmmm
93. I love hearing the sweet sound of my girls giggling and I love making Kit laugh.
94. I am so grateful for good in-laws and love to spend time with all of them.
95. When I was younger I took break dancing lessons from a guy that looked exactly like Prince, and I use to put a piece of cardboard in the driveway and put on a show for the neighbors. Goober!
96. A list of 100 things is pretty hard to do....hope you are still with me :)
97. Love having people come and visit us here in France and showing them the real side of France and not just all the touristy things
98. I am ashamed to say that I had a bleached streak in my hair, a tail and a mullet. Not to mention the shame of shaving a girls name into my hair!!!!! When you are young and all your friends have cool feathered straight hair and you have a shrub on your head you struggle to find your identity. Needless to say that my curly hair IS ME and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
99. Thank goodness for my curly hair because it was 1st my singing voice and then my hair that won Kit's heart.
100.I am thankful to be me, to have the life I have and the family and talents I have been blessed with. I am grateful to have a knowledge and love of my Father in Heaven and my Savior and that His plan for us is what makes all my joy come to life.

I would love to see a list of 100 things ( or less if you like) from Kit, Ryan, Michelle and Mark!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Very fun. Loved getting to know you better. However, I could have guessed at least 75 of those things. Come on...Kit married you! That would explain how I already knew so much about you. :)