Sunday, September 28, 2008
100 things about me, for the man I love :) --50 now and 50 later
2. Music is one of my reasons for living. It has always had power to move me--either for good or for bad, depending on what kind of music I choose to listen to, sing to, or dance to.
3. Now that I've grown up a little and am so blessed to be a mom, I'm using that great gift of God to help me teach my angels--everything from the alphabet, to French, to gospel principles. Nothing moves them, changes their mood or captures their attention like music--they really are our daughters :)--and there is nothing I love more than hearing them sing the primary songs.
4. Most people who've only known me for the past 12 years or so might be surprised to find out that I know all the words to several Snoop Dog songs :).
5. I have my Chatham #42 BYU roommates--Erika, Mindy and Heather--to thank for turning me country. I had hated it all my life growing up in Texas, but Heather fell asleep to CMT every night so I either had to learn to live with it or kill her--I still smile when I hear certain songs ("Life's a Dance" and the like) and picture her dancing to that country beat.
6. One of my biggest regrets is not majoring in music. I didn't want the competitive nature of the major to take away the joy, but when I sat in on some of Rachel's classes this past semester, I saw so much I would love to have learned that would have only enhanced my love for music. Plus I would have more knowledge and been able to serve with a greater capacity. C'est la vie....
7. One of my greatest joys is singing with Kevin--at home with our girls, driving in the car and harmonizing to Rascal Flatts, or singing hymns in sacrament meeting or for firesides. In fact, at the last stake conference we sang at, a sister gave us the greatest compliment I've ever received for singing. She said that there are lots of great voices out there, but when Kev and I sing together, "you just feel love." Since that is what music is for me--the purest way to feel love for others and for/from God--that made my day :)
8. My mom gets the credit for inspiring my love of music. One of my earliest memories is driving around Nashville, Tennessee and belting out Olivia Newton John with her and Joy. (I was 4) She always sang us to sleep, sang wonderful harmony to every hymn, and dragged our family around to carol to all the neighbors every Christmas.
9. She and my Dad are definitely my biggest fans :)
****Kev says I need to shorten my answers so everyone can stay awake****
10. Music was also a huge part of our family road trips, with all of us piled in the van: John Denver, Roger Whitaker, Huey Lewis, Christopher Cross, etc.
11. When I was little I wanted to be Olivia Newton John when I grew up (think Xanadu :) )
12. I love, love, love to read. My first favorite stories were the children's books my Grandmother Turtle wrote about Joy, Matt, Mark and I--The Adventures of Gus the Gopher--all about a magical gopher who would come and take us on exciting adventures to save his fantastic world.
13. Mom read to us every night and Dad would give us extra spending money to read and report to him on books that he recommended: The Richest Man in Babylon, CS Lewis, The Greatest Salesman in the World, etc.
14. The Work and the Glory series almost cost me my scholarship at BYU. I couldn't put them down to do any homework or anything, even though the repetitive writing style started to get on my nerves after book 2 ("Nathan reeled.") The Fire of the Covenant, also by Brother Lund but about the handcart companies, is still one of my all time favorite books.
15. Joy and Michelle are the 2 people from whom I get the best leads for new reads.
16. I feel like I'm missing out if I don't read every article in every Ensign issue.
17. I am thankful for the capability to read the Ensign,scriptures and other good things online, but nothing beats holding a book and being able to sprawl out on the couch or in bed.
18. Barnes and Noble (or any other book store) is where I could spend limitless amounts of money. Kev knows he's in danger when I even set foot in there--especially in the kids section.
19. French kids books are an even bigger temptation, and Kev always picks up any options I'm trying to decide on and 'weighs' them--reminding me that we have weight limits on our bags.
20. My dream house will have an enormous library (one to rival the Beast's, as in Beauty and the ...). Actually, Michelle and Erik's house comes close to what I'm hoping for--we want a library membership to their well-stocked shelves.
21. Favorite foods: good bread, cheese, chocolate (can you tell I'm back in Heaven?), and anything I don't have to cook.
22. I'm so spoiled to be married to an excellent cook who is also selfless and so sweet to step in whenever I don't feel up to making the next meal. Honestly, and I'm not just saying this so he'll cook more or keep cooking because he would anyway, he makes some AMAZING creations. (all his dishes are things he makes up himself)
23. My worst food memory is coming home from school every so often, smelling the onions sauteing and knowing we were having liver and onions that night. I still get shivers just thinking about it.
24. I can eat the same thing every day for months if I really like it or if it's convenient--case in point: every summer in the bookfield.
25. Kevin has to remind me to eat vegetables. It's not that I don't like them--I actually love them--they're just not bread, cheese or chocolate.
26. I have to have orange juice EVERY morning with breakfast.
27. I can eat a whole huge bag of any of my favorite goodies in a single sitting, with no regrets--it's absolutely worth any extra exercise or whatever else. Peanut M&Ms, Reeses Peanut Butter cups, Rolos, Mint Milanos, Snickers, Suchard rochers (French bliss), etc.
28. I love trying new foods and have found that the best travel/food advice is to try the specialty of the region. It might be a little weird, but it makes great memories and often ends up being something fantastic. Plus people are so happy and proud to share what they love and it's always great to make people happy :)
29. Cookies and brownies should be removed from the oven before you think they're done--otherwise they're too crispy (a philosophy that the Linkous family doesn't agree with :) )
30. I'm totally impressed with Joy, Natalie, and Laura's cooking/meal planning abilities that I saw first-hand last month. I resolve to do better in this with you all as my witnesses. My family should not be malnourished just because of my bad eating :)
31. The one area I'm healthier than Kev in is the amount of water I drink every day. When we're in the States, I'm never without my mug of ice water--my 'trucker' mug, as Kevin calls it with no attempt at hiding his mocking.
32. Movies are magical. Basically, they're books with incredible music and scenery (even though whenever there are movies and books on the same things, the books are always better).
33. The movies that take me immediately back home: Sound of Music (singing all the songs), Scrooge (watched every Thanksgiving evening to start the Christmas season), Indiana Jones trilogy and Star Wars trilogy (seeing my dad get so excited for each new one).
34. I love quoting our favorite comedies with my family--Scrooge, 3 Amigos, Fletch Lives, French Kiss, Princess Bride, Family Man, Envy, etc.
35. Now I love watching Kev get excited about the newest action/adventure flicks and Ryn get excited about any Disney movie with music.
36. My absolute favorite movies, the ones I can watch over and over again, are the ones that make me cry, sing or dance--Anne of Green Gables, Scrooge, Sense and Sensibility, Sound of Music, My Fair get the picture.
37. I like chick flicks because they remind me how lucky I am to have found my own wonderful prince--one who'll even watch those flicks with me :).
38. To me, traveling is a necessary facet of life's educational opportunities. I never knew how wonderful my 12 years of life had been until we went to South America that summer and I saw little kids much younger than me out begging for money, people living in little one-room shacks, and bombs going off in airport trash cans. I didn't understand how a revolution could be as bloody and horrible as the French's until I saw the excesses of Versailles.
39. I can't even pick my favorite spots because there are so many amazing places in this wonderful world.
40. But I did tell Kevin that I want to die at Keukenhof --the out-of-this-world, and hence a superb place to go into the next, multi-acre flower paradise in Holland.
41. I love traveling with my dad because everything is always so well planned and organized--"stick with me and you go first class all the way" :)
42. I love traveling with my mom because everything is "fun" and there is truly "beauty all around" that mom always thanks Heavenly Father for.
43. I love traveling with Kevin because we have a blast exploring anywhere and everywhere, he drives and I navigate, we enjoy the planning as much as the actual trips, he listens with interest to all the historical tidbits I shove down his throat, and it's like seeing the world without leaving home because he is my home.
44. Paris is as magical as every movie and love song make it out to be.
45. Rome is my history major Disneyland.
46. I love traveling with Ryn and Elle because they are troopers and the best adornment to any photo op ANYWHERE.
47. I love that there are still a million awesome places left that we haven't seen yet!
48. I love traveling with the Linkous' because they are so easy to please with our novice travel agent talents and they are just as interested in all the history tidbits :).
49. I have to have a detailed map of anywhere we visit (so I can navigate :), as well as the historical background or I start twitching.
50. When visiting monuments, castles, museums, etc, it's ALWAYS worthwhile to take the guided tour. Otherwise you just wander around and waste your time not knowing what you're looking at or why it's important.
Part II of 100 things about me---the 48 left
54. I often find myself singing Disney Princess songs and Little Einsteins throughout the day and even during practice! (remember I do have little girls:)
55. My Dad is one of the most caring, selfless men I have ever met..always cooking, always spending time with the family and most of all puts up with me and Ryan's endless teasing.
56. I will always regret not learning how to play the piano.
57. My mom used to dress me and my brothers like the Bee Gees. Big curly fro's, tube socks and daisy duke shorts. To compensate for this I pack on the gel and Ryan cuts his hair everyday, and we both wear basketball shorts that look like skirts :)
58. I often say that my haircut looks like the ruff on a golf course and Ryan's looks like a putting green
59. NO ONE could ever endure my dreaming and planning like Kit, she completes me!
60. I am definitely a vanilla man and Kit is all chocolate.
61. One of the greatest gifts anyone has ever given me was a camera,not because of the price but because of the way it helped open my eyes even more to the beauty that God has blessed me with....thanks Michelle :)
62. I had the nickname Chia-pet in high school because of my hair.
63. I was never given a fair shot in college for hoops, so it made me feel great when I bumped into Coach Majerus at the outlets and he asked what I was doing and I told him I have been playing professional basketball in France for the past 6yrs (at the time) and he looked at me like --"why didn't I play you more then?" ha, justice.
64. I love Lego's and can still sit down and knock out a few hours building stuff.
65. I am a softy for baby clothes and here in France the baby clothes (especially for girls) are scrumptious....we love Petite Bateau, ZARA, H&M, Sergeant Major, Elle, Burberry etc etc..
66. I was All-State in both baseball and basketball, got scholarships for both and probably would be a millionaire today if I would have stuck with baseball ( 6'4" and a 96mph fastball is a good combo for the majors) but it was just too boring for me. I also was asked to skip the mission.
67. I can't take a nap in my bed, it has to be somewhere else...couch,floor, hammock,another bed in the house..weird I know.
68. People think that I am someone full of confidence and very outgoing and while it is true to a certain degree, I am actually quite shy and timid.
69.I dressed up as Elvis and sang "Blue suede shoes" in Jr. High, complete with the blue shoes and tight white polyester pants, and when I slid across the stage on my knees burned huge wholes in the knees.
70. My Dad played in a music band called "The Latter Day Sensations" :) They were really good though.
71. I LOVE shopping at Costco and Sams clubs.
72. I cherish every hug, kiss, snuggle,squeeze, and word said by my little angels--and dread the day when they no longer will be my "little" angels.
73. My two most favorite places in Europe so far are Keukenhoff in Holland and Salzburg, Austria. So magical and romantic.
74. I was blessed/cursed with a green thumb by my mom. I love to garden and landscape. Nothing more soothing and calming than mowing the lawn and the smell of the cut grass.
75. I Love summer rainstorms when the sun is peeking through the clouds and the rain is coming down.
76. I love having a clean, washed, vacuumed, detailed car.
77. I wish I would've kept in touch with my best friend from high school..Scott Geertsen
78. I am a tech rat.. love cell phones, laptops, Mp3 players and gadgets.
79. I like doing the laundry--- Do I get stranger and stranger with each new thing?
80. Christmas just isn't Christmas without snow. I love our family tradition of strolling through the lights at Temple Square and hot chocolate and donuts after.
81. I love playing sand volleyball and could play for hours
82. I like downing a plate of cheese fries at Training Table
83. The only cheesecake really I like is my Mom's. And I love cheesecake.
84. I am deathly afraid of snakes, spiders, and anything rodent. YUCK
85. My 2 favorite holidays--Thanksgiving & Christmas because of the food and even more the time with family and friends.
86.My favorite flavor of Ice Cream-- Butter Pecan
87. I love Kit in workout clothes :) ooolala
88. I have never been to Lake Powell or the Grand Canyon.... I know shame me
89. I am afraid of heights and not a big fan of water sports
90. I am a safety freak and it drives both me and Kit crazy :)
91. I love Utah for it's four seasons--And I can't pick a favorite. I love the leaves in fall, the magical beauty of everything in white, the miracle of rebirth in spring and the hot/dry heat of summer.
92. I was raised on beans and rice. And I would rather have vegetables and a good dip than chocolate any day. mmmm
93. I love hearing the sweet sound of my girls giggling and I love making Kit laugh.
94. I am so grateful for good in-laws and love to spend time with all of them.
95. When I was younger I took break dancing lessons from a guy that looked exactly like Prince, and I use to put a piece of cardboard in the driveway and put on a show for the neighbors. Goober!
96. A list of 100 things is pretty hard to do....hope you are still with me :)
97. Love having people come and visit us here in France and showing them the real side of France and not just all the touristy things
98. I am ashamed to say that I had a bleached streak in my hair, a tail and a mullet. Not to mention the shame of shaving a girls name into my hair!!!!! When you are young and all your friends have cool feathered straight hair and you have a shrub on your head you struggle to find your identity. Needless to say that my curly hair IS ME and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
99. Thank goodness for my curly hair because it was 1st my singing voice and then my hair that won Kit's heart.
100.I am thankful to be me, to have the life I have and the family and talents I have been blessed with. I am grateful to have a knowledge and love of my Father in Heaven and my Savior and that His plan for us is what makes all my joy come to life.
I would love to see a list of 100 things ( or less if you like) from Kit, Ryan, Michelle and Mark!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
100 things about me! Okay 52 for now 48 later :)
2. I am a fitness/workout freak I get very cranky if I don't get to train.
3. I am a health food fanatic and Au natural too-nuts(almonds in yogurt) dried fruit especially mango's and pears. It's just all sooooo hard to find in France. ARGH!
4.I DESPISE raisins
5. My biggest junk food weakness is movie theatre popcorn drenched in butter, and a whole tub of it for me. Then maybe even a refill :0 I will share the diet coke though :)
6. The next day I feel sick and have to do overtime at the gym to rid myself of the guilt.
7. I LOVE 7-11 Slurpee's and the two greatest flavors of all time--Dr Pepper, Fanta Red Cream Soda--I like them so much Kit got me a 7-11 gift card with like 50bucks on it and I used it all on Slurpee's----in like two months.
8. I am cold cereal junkie
9. I have to have my Nu Skin multivitamins everyday or I feel cheated.
10. I love fresh peaches and yogurt with real uncooked oatmeal sprinkled on top.
11. I drink a gallon(at least) of water a day.
12. Favorite food is Mexican although Michelle and Erik introduced us to very good Thai food and it's in a close second.
13. I hate to run unless it's on the basketball court or if some ferocious dog is chasing me, but do it because it's necessary to keep my chiseled physique :)
14. If I don't have my Ipod, I can't run.
15. I love to workout late at night.
16. I am a night owl,zombie or whatever you want to call it. Don't need much sleep.
17. Am a photography addict. Can't get enough of it. Might even make a holster for the Cannon!
18. The best thing in the world to photograph hands down is children. Pure,innocent, perfect!
19. And mine are so cute :)
20. I want to invent something by the time I'm 40.
21. I love to read but it's so hard because I slip into a world where time stands still for me but not for everyone else.
22. Favorite books --Shannara series: Terry Brooks, Lord of the Ring: Tolkien, Harry Potter series, Chronicles of Narnia:Lewis,
23. And with two sweet little girls that never seem to get enough books, I am always reading anything by Sandra Boynton.
24. I am so proud that my girls LOVE to read the Book of Mormon.." Let's go read about Nephi!" 25. Love podcasts- great way to double your time.
26. Love the new Bond movies and can't wait for the new one in November.
27. Movies--The Bourne series, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars, anything PIXAR, I am a big chick flick fan actually, some of my favs--"How to lose a guy in 10 days"--"Father of the Bride I & II", "Enchanted"--"Dan in Real Life"--"Wedding Planner"-- "The Sound of Music"and my ultimate fav-"Family Man".
28. Did I mention Buttery popped goodness? It must be the movie talk:)
29. I can get lost in photoshop for days.
30. I LOVE to sing but am a perfectionist, therefore have a fear of Karaoke.
31. My music taste knows no boundaries.. from my 1st love of classic rock( beatles,eagles,CCR, Zepplin, Floyd, foreigner, journey,bad company, U2...basically anything found on Arrow 103.5) to my first singing love, Country ( Garth, JMM, Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban, Collin raye, Paul Vasser etc) to hip hop, R&B ( Justin Timberlake) to jazzy contemporary like (Groban, Steve Tyrell and Buble).
32. I hope to finish a LDS church album soon( a year or two) about overcoming trials and struggles such as the death of loved one's (Darren, Kits Grandpa's and grandma) and the emotionally draining, heartache of infertility and all that comes with.
33. I love Kit so much that I can sense and feel the same things she does( of course to a certain extent) and feel the best marriage counsel ever given was by President Hinckley when he said,"If you are always putting the needs of your spouse before your own and vise versa then you will both always be happy."
34. I hit the jackpot when I got the best wife and best mom for my children in the same woman.
35. I miss Darren so much and wish my kids could've know him.
36. I think I am more like my Mom than any other person.
37. I love to have head scrubs and scalp massages.
38. I give amazing massages, but Kit deserves more of them.
39. I have been to 18 countries and hope to add 4 or 5 more this year.
40. I love jeans and have way toooo many, I also have a sick amount of basketball shorts and shoes ---but hey it's my work attire right?:)
41. I have a secret love for fine suits and ties.
42. I am not into jewelry but do like to wear toe rings.......what???? yikes!!! J/K
43. I want to try to make the PGA tour someday, if I don't get started soon maybe the seniors tour.
44. In High School before every home game I would eat a huge plate of plain pasta with butter and Parmesan cheese and a tall glass of kool-aid and then fall asleep watching Aladdin.
45. When I was 17 I came home late one summer night and it was hot so decided to eat an entire watermelon!!!! I know crazy. Needless to say I was exhausted and had major bladder overload and ended up wetting the bed. Something my brothers never let me forget.
46. I was Dear Johned
47. I am a picker and cannot stand messy face, eye sleepy's, or crusty nose. My girls don't like me during cold season.
48. I love to cook and create from scratch ( hate following recipes) and have made some pretty amazing masterpieces in my time. In fact I want to do my own cookbook someday with my creations and favorites in it.
49. One of my greatest strengths= Too Nice
50. One of my greatest weaknesses= Too Nice
51. I played for a team financed by the Italian Mafia--yikes--we didn't stay for long.
52.I love to make people laugh even at my own expense. Laughter is therapeutic!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Our little girl is growing up :(
Ryn started her 1st day of school here in France. We were concerned with the language barrier. She does great already(knows all her shapes,colors, letters and can count to 20 she can sing a bunch of songs as well in french) but for day to day conversation not so great. (Our slacker fault)
It's exciting but also a reminder of how fast they grow up and the hardest thing of all is of course the fact that our precious kids go from a constant environment of nurturing love and care to a place where they,( no matter how great the teachers are) will never have that same love and attention that they get in the home.
She was a little scared but she did awesome and even told the teacher," Je dois faire peepee" which I am sure you figured out means I have to go to the bathroom. Although when Kit went to pick her up she ran to her and said,"Mommy, you came back!"
We feel that this is a great opportunity for her to really grasp the language, so we will see how it goes. It is hard though, we both wanted to cry when we left. But we see now that this is also important for Elle to have some Mommy and Daddy time all to herself and she has been loving it.




Monday, September 22, 2008





Our summer recap

Yep from our 8 year drought of trying and trying and two invitro tries to 3 kids three and under! And on Fathers Day too! I was soaring.
We were then contacted by a team and it all sounded good so we decided to sign with them. As we waited for them to send the tickets we frantically packed at a blurring pace filling boxes and boxes with toys and clothes, shoes and clothes for the new baby. We now have filled the basement of my parents house to go along with their already filled garage ( and it's a huge garage:) It's hard for us to believe that we have never even used half of the stuff we got for our wedding. And all though our washer and dryer (presents from Kit's parents) were brand new and have only been used maybe a total of one and a half years, we wonder if they will still work after all this storage time. Nevertheless when I finally hang up the sneakers and we do dive into all those boxes we will be sent back in time to the late 90's and wonder what we are going to do with all this out dated stuff. But it should be fun!
Back to our story we bought a new car this summer and had decided to drive down to Texas before leaving for France so as to spend some time with Kit's siblings. Right before we left, and I mean literally days before this happened........

Oh yes our first traumatic injury experience. I was at the library and Kit called,of course hysterical saying Ryn and Elle were playing tag and Ryn fell and hit her forehead on one of my Moms pots and that blood was everywhere. I sped home and couldn't get the image out of my mind of our beautiful angel girl with a Frankenstein scar across her forehead for the rest of her life. I screeched into the driveway and I loaded her up to take her to an IHC clinic. It was pretty bad all the way to the skull and bleeding all over ( as you can tell from the picture and her cute, sweet little bloody hand print on Mommy's shirt). They had to wrap her up in sheets and pin her arms behind her in a pillowcase and then Kit, myself and 2 other nurses held her down while the doctor stitched up first the two bottom layers of skin next to the skull and then the top layer. Ryn cried non stop form the pain I'm sure but also because she was so scared and didn't understand why her Mommy and Daddy were not helping her escape this straight jacket. Sh just kept crying for her Mommy and Daddy and saying she wanted to go get in the car. "I'm stuck, I'm stuck." It broke our hearts and I vowed that day to create the perfect sleek nerf body armour to protect our precious children. But I do know that the bumps and bruises, cuts and scrapes that come with life are only there to make us better and to help us learn. Ryn now knows what it means to be brave and whenever someone gets hurt she says, "it's ok, just be brave." She also knows that as painful as stitches are a big giant bowl of strawberry ice cream at baskin Robbin's makes everything just fine.
I love road trips and love packing up the car and driving. So thats what we did as we left for Texas. The only difference this time was that I had torn a muscle in my calf playing in a pro-Am league about two weeks earlier and so the big task of staying awake and driving fell on my sweet wife. She did great getting us all the way to the outskirts Albuquerque. I took over from there and they slept. I plugged in the ipod and lucky enough for me my girls are all sound sleepers so I could still just sing away. I noticed in the rear view mirror that Ryn was even singing along with me at times in her sleep. She loves it when I sing Groban, Buble or songs from Enchanted or Disney songs. We finally arrived in Austin and had fun playing on Joy and Darrels miniature golf course ( Ryn is a natural), I even set the course record which was quite an honor. I stayed for a few days and then flew to France for training camp and a month away form my precious girls. I knew it would be hard but I was in no way prepared for how bad it was, they are my lifeline. I missed singing to them and reading to them ( our girls adore books) kissing them and snuggling with them, this includes Kit too, as she loves when I read to her. j/k :)
Kit will provide part II of our summer recap in the next post( remember I post in blue and Kit posts in yellow)