Friday, February 22, 2008

My Babies!

Kit's dream is to have a HUGE library room in our home with big wooden bookcases from floor to ceiling and every shelf littered with good books. Michelle and Erik's home is beautiful and full of books. they are literally spilling off of the shelves, it really is cool. They have also instilled a love of reading in their kids. Where most kids would be glued to a glowing box (T.V) all night long all their kids brush their teeth and hop into their beds and read themselves to sleep.

I, as you now know was given the gift/addiction of photography by Michelle. She loaned us her nice camera so that I could get a feel for what photography is really supposed to be about. While here I too have picked up a few books to read and one that I love is a "get to know how your camera works" type of book, with great little lessons and coaching tips.

Anyway I took these pictures of my babies before reading all these great tips, so please excuse my rookie moves but these were taken at the Rose Shop where my mom has designed these gorgeous greenhouses. Here they are-------------and feel free to double click on the pictures for a larger view. Most are of Elle as Ryn was not in the best of posing moods.

1 comment:

Mama KK said...

Beautiful!!!! Love, Mom/KK