Wednesday, September 26, 2007

So Tired!-Sept 26,2007

We are both so tired! The transition back to France this year just hasn’t been the same. All of our sleeping paterns are out of whack. To boot the day after we arrived the club told us they are having financial problems with a sponser so if we wanted what we had agreed upon for this year I would have to do some work on the side! ARGH!!!! We told them that we had already given up more money with other teams to come back here so if they couldn’t find a solution we were going home. They were not expecting that apparently hoping that since I am a nice guy that I would just say, “okay”. They are now scrambling to make it work.We won our first game saturday 89-67. I finished with 20pts. It was a good win and also a very sentimental one as Thierry(our coach) lost his brother in August to a heart attack-he (Samuel) was only 33. The whole town has been really having a hard time dealing with the loss, especially Thierry. I can’t help but feel that we are supposed to be here to maybe help in some way. I know exactly what he is going through from losing Darren. In fact the other day I was driving to pick up the Elders and had the most vivid image pop into my mind. It was of Samuel in the Spirit World hoping with all his might that I will share the gospel with his family. Knowing that it might be the only time in their lives when they are in this close of contact with a member of the church and maybe their only chance to hear and accept.
We are always trying to do missionary work here but sometimes I get sucked into this lame way of thinking where I for some reason start to decide who is ready and willing to hear about the gospel. Such as–”well that guy would never give up his smokes and wine” or “they are just not going to listen”. When in reality our only job is to give as many people as we can the chance to hear the truth and then let the spirit do the converting, cleansing and changing of these people and their lives. The responsibility to share this gift with others can definatly be overwhelming at times but when it all boils down to it if we have the right intentions and we pray for the spirit to guide us then we should have nothing to fear. We also know that trials are placed in our lives to bring us to our knees and turn to God. I pray that they will listen. I can’t imagine having to deal with losing Darren without the knowledge of the gospels message of peace, hope and understanding

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