Friday, December 31, 2010

December funnies

Dec. 5--After family prayer, and a pretty difficult day :), Elle wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and exclaimed, "I'm so glad I have a family!" Somehow, that one sentence erased everything that might have been off that day.

Dec. 6--Elle was very quickly potty trained during the daytime hours, but the nighttime has been another story. I think the bottom line is that any bladder small enough for that tiny body just can't make it through the night. Whatever the reason, she is still in diapers at night, but we make every effort to give generous praise for dry results in the morning. She always announces the unveiling with great anticipation, "Mom! Let's check out if my diaper is dry!" On this morning, she knew it wasn't, but still wanted to keep up the excitement, "I think I kept my wet diaper dry!"

Dec. 10--Ryn saw something she wanted to remember and held up her hand to her eye and made a clicking sound. "I used myself as a camera," she explained. I know just how she feels, since I'm almost always too slow getting the camera out to capture every picture my heart locks away for me.

Elle has been loving Eden more and more every day. She just couldn't contain it anymore and declared, "Eden is so cute that I can't believe her!"

Dec. 14--The girls loved every single decoration we had out for Christmas, including a singing/talking Santa my parents gave us several years ago. They were sitting around him, talking about how cute he was and Ryn explained, "We can't see Santa's mouth because it's snuggled all the way inside his beard."

Dec. 29--I had always heard of "I spy, with my little eye...", but Ryn changed it up a little and said, "I smell, with my big nose....a baby!"

Dec. 31--Eden is pretty possessive, even of things that are not hers. Does that just come with the territory of being the 3rd child who has to keep up with the bigger kids? I laughed out loud, though, when she saw a child eating a cookie on TV and exclaimed to that child, "MY cookie!"

Elle was being her little comedian self and asked me with those twinkly eyes I love so much, "Is the baby in your tummy? Did you eat him?"

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