Sunday, August 31, 2008

All My Loving ----to you Kit

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" should more likely be " Absence devides my heart assunder". I, as do all people enjoy some quite time to themselves to do the things they like to do etc. But being away from my sweet Kit for very long at all stinks! I love her and all that she brings to my life. For her beauty, laughter,those eyes and her gorgeous voice. But when you are away from eachother for very long it's all the little things too that you miss. Having my best friend and someone that understands me and where I've been and what I've experienced, there is no substitute.
So to My dear wife until saturday know that I am sending all my love to you!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

We miss you guys, but we're glad everyone's back together! :)