Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve this year was spent dancing the night away with the Linkous' and eating some of Kev's insanely amazing grilled salmon. Fabulous.

Then we had a fun little party with the girls on New Year's Day. They get so excited with the mere mention of that word. "A party?!" :) [squeals, screams, jumping and clapping] Oh, how I love little girls.
Making our own party hats from cereal boxes and scraps of ribbon, a fort over kitchen chairs and the TV where we could have a picnic viewing of G-Force, an exciting round of Chutes and Ladders, and pancakes (smothered in "sticky syrup") and eggs for dinner. When I was clearing the dishes and announcing bedtime, Elle turned around in that little pink seat and said, "Thank you for this fun party, Mom." I came over to give her a hug with a "you're welcome" and Ryn ran around the table to sandwich me between my happy party princesses. I marveled again at how simple happiness is for children. Uninterrupted, stress-free time with mom and dad (and a few M&M's thrown in for good measure).... and that hug of gratitude lasted for at least a full 5 minutes.

1 comment:

Mark and Aupreille said...

What a fun little party. We sure miss those cute little faces!