Friday, February 1, 2008

Let the Birthday festivities begin!

This is by far one of my favorite months of the year. I think it might have to do with Valentines or maybe it's the fact that spring is around the corner or it could even be Presidents Day (an extra holiday break when I was in school) but most of all I think it is because my sweet Mommy brought me into this world on Febuary 24th!

Yes, you may be wondering why am I so excited now, when it is only Febuary 1st! Well a few years ago I decided that instead of celebrating my birthday just on the 24th , why not celebrate my birth by doing something fun,special or exciting on each day of the month! I know, what a great idea! I was and am so glad I thought of it :) It's almost like an advent calender but for 24 days. Kit LOVES it because instead of one big hoopla day it is now just 24 medium to big hoopla days.

So what's the plan for this month? Well, we have some things planned but we do a lot of spontaneous things too! But for the most part we will be filling suitcases ( more on that wednesday).

I have become as of late a huge photo freak! Michelle is to blame/thank for this (depends on who you ask:) I can't get enough and with my birthday around the corner I think I will be looking at some huge external hard drives to store all my masterpieces(My feelings:) or maybe a lensbaby (very cool ) or even a good photo editing program! Don't by any means think this is a wish list entry, I am just thinking outloud. The bottom line is photography is such a joy and there is a challenge in every shot. Trying to capture the moment or tell a story or just for posterity purposes, it really is a great skill/hobby because everyone see's the same things differently. And it really helps you stay in tune to the beauty that is around us and that God has blessed us with (ie: our kids,families).

Today at church we had a missionary fireside and as DMB (Ward mission leader) we decided to try and help the members in their efforts to invite someone to their house for a family home evening. This is one of our ward goals and some families had expressed concerns about what to present as a lesson. So I thought that a good, neutral spiritual lesson would be Ephesians 6:11-17 about "The Whole Armor of God" and below is our Elders Quorum president in the full armor, he was loving it ---

It went really well. It is very dificult and frustrating to try and share the gospel here in France and I really do respect and love these good saints so much for their efforts and sacrifice. Nothing is easy about being a member in France but at the same time I feel the responsabilty is even greater to share it here. This is our good Branch President, Stephane Gandon. He truly is a man called of God and a good friend we love him and his family so much. His daughters are Ryn's best friends and as you can tell from the photo, Ryn loves him too!


Anonymous said...

OK, we are laughing out loud at your birthday advent calendar! I've always loved February as a birthday month too!

Love you all!

Mark and Aupreille said...

You are killing us, we have to wait until Wednesday now to get the scoop, but it sounds like you are coming home if you're going to be packing your bags.